A lamp shining with a white wall background

Boardof Directors

Chairman of the Board of Directors​

  • ​Zeev Nahari

Board of Directors members

  • ​Zalman Shuval

    Director; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Export Investments Corp. Ltd; Joint Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pierre Foundation. Chairman or Member of the Board of Directors of other Companies

  • Gideon Shoval

    Director; CEO and member of the Board of Director of Export Investments corp. Ltd.

  • Yehuda Orbach

    External Director; Chair of the Audit, Resources, Information Technology & Technological Innovation Committees; Consultant and reviewer; Lecturer in universities and colleges in the field of IT and IT Auditing

  • Ruth Arad

    External Director

  • Lior Ben Ami

    Director; Co-CEO of Spike IT GM

  • Aviv Schanzer

    CEO & Owner, Shanzer Risk Management; Strategic Business Consultant for Various Companies & Organizations

  • Shmuel Eshel

    External Director, Chairman of the Investment Committee of Cogito Capital , External consultant for handling debt settlements in Menora Mivtachim

  • Yoav Nardi

    Director; Chairman of the Investment Committee of the national library of Israel (Volunteering); Chairman of the Investment Committee of Yad Sara (Non Profit Organization) (Volunteering); member of the Audit committee of Association of Israelis of Central European Origin (Volunteering)

  • Dr. Moran Ofir Weinstein

    External director; Senior faculty member at Reichman University

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